On May 7th, the Rhode Island Department of Environmental Management (RIDEM) announced the availability of grants to assist with the development and facilitation of Brownfields remediation projects in Rhode Island.
The funding mechanism is a Request for Proposals (RFP) and applications are due to RIDEM on June 29, 2018.
The RFP seeks proposals for Brownfields site redevelopment projects that will support the cleanup of contaminated properties and represents the state’s ongoing initiative to stimulate the local economy through funding support and technical assistance. Brownfields properties present a unique opportunity for those interested in productive re-use. “Remediation and redevelopment of these sites not only mitigates the threat public health and the environment from exposure to uncontrolled contamination, but it also can create and attract jobs, revitalize streets and neighborhoods, and increase the local tax base.”
To qualify for the state’s consideration, the RFP application must adhere to the process and requirements outlined by RIDEM. There are defined and specific project eligibility parameters, limited project categories, and applicant eligibility hurdles.
Desautel Browning Law can provide guidance with all aspects of the RFP process and requirements. We have successfully assisted other applicants with previous rounds of Brownfields grant funding.
For assistance with the application process, call us at 401.477.0023 or email: help@desautelesq.com