Energy LawR.I. Fishing Industry List Public Commend Period – Vineyard Wind South

BOEM is seeking comments (due July 30, 2021) on what information to consider in an Environmental Impact Statement for construction of the Vineyard Wind South project. The proposed project includes up to 130 wind turbine generators, 2-5 offshore substations, inter-array cables, and up to 5 export cables connecting to the onshore electric grid in Barnstable County, Massachusetts. This project would be developed in phases, the first of which is called Park City Wind. BOEM will hold virtual public scoping meetings on July 19 (5:30 pm), July 23 (1 pm), and July 26 (5:30 pm). More information is available here and below.


Dear Fishermen:

On June 30, the federal Bureau of Ocean Energy Management (BOEM) announced a 30-day public comment period and Scoping Meeting dates for the Vineyard Wind South Construction & Operations Plan (COP), a two-phase plan that includes Park City Wind as Phase 1 and a future project(s) as Phase 2. This phased development plan provides predictability and transparency for the full development of this area which will occur in the coming years.

Vineyard Wind South Overview
Vineyard Wind South is a phased development plan. Phase 1 is Park City Wind, an 804 megawatt project for Connecticut, and anticipates installation 2023-2025. Phase 2 is a future project(s). The maximum scenario for Phase 1 & 2 combined includes:

  • Up to 130 turbines
  • Turbine spacing of 1 nautical mile by 1 nautical mile, consistent across all lease areas
  • Up to 5 offshore export cables adjacent to cables for Vineyard Wind 1 in the Offshore Export Cable Corridor
  • Generating between 2,000-2,300 megawatts, enough energy for more than a million homes
  • Up to 5 offshore electrical service platforms
  • Identified grid interconnection points in West Barnstable, Massachusetts

About BOEM’s Scoping Meetings
BOEM issued a Notice of Intent (NOI) to prepare an Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) for Vineyard Wind South’s Construction & Operations Plan, initiating a 30-day public comment period that ends on July 30, 2021. BOEM has scheduled three virtual scoping meetings where you can learn more about the COP, ask questions, and provide oral testimony:

  • Monday, July 19th at 5:30 p.m.
  • Friday, July 23rd at 1 p.m.
  • Monday, July 26th at 5:30 p.m.

Contact us with questions or learn more about Vineyard Wind South, read the Construction & Operations Plan, or learn how to comment.

Crista & Caela
Vineyard Wind Fisheries Liaisons

Crista Bank:, 508-525-0421
Caela Howard:, 508-386-9832.

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